1. You can spend less
By spending less, you are able to put money away in your savings. The money you save over the long term can go towards a financial goal. A few ways you can spend less include limiting the amount of Starbucks lattes you buy, using public transportation instead of a car, or decreasing the amount you spend on rent.
2. You can earn more
When you earn more money, you are able to increase your net worth. Earning more can help you build long term financial investments, donate to charitable causes of your choice, and indulge in guilt-free purchases. A few ways to earn more money include asking for a raise at work, building a lucrative business from scratch, and investing wisely.
Keep income goals in line with your values
In either scenario, make sure your financial goals are realistic. If you are going to ask your boss for a raise, remember to write down your contributions to the company and why you deserve a raise. With an increased salary comes more responsibility, so it’s important to remember your values and remind yourself why you want more money in the first place.
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