Wednesday, 26 November 2014

4 Ways To Inspire Wonder In Your Kids

Wonderment. The state of awe. And the starting place for creativity and delight. Sounds...wonderful? Then how do we increase wonderment in our kids' lives? By surrounding them with things that inspire wonder, that's how.

Most items that increase wonderment in a child's life fall into one of the following four categories. Consider placing them in your child's room as your four-step plan to designing a wonderful, creativity-inspiring space.

1. Things that are impossibly large.

There's a reason why giant teddy bears are so beloved by little kids - they are amazed at how something can be so, so big! Try putting something in their room that's bigger than they are. A large artwork is a good place to start if you have limited floor space.

2. Things that are incredibly small.

Kids are in awe of tiny things, almost as much as they are mystified by giant things. Provided you have a child big enough to understand that small things don't go in their mouth, collect some tiny things to display in their room. Start with tiny things from nature - tiny flowers or tiny pebbles would do the trick. Add a magnifying glass for extra fun.

3. Things that are difficult to understand.

Your children are learning all the time, and eager to have their minds stretched. So invite something deliciously difficult into their space. Perhaps an educational poster that introduces a concept they've never learnt before? A book a little beyond their years? A mechanical toy that is hard to decipher, exactly, how it works?

4. Things from another place or time, distant from their own.

Life is much too dull and boring stuck in the here and now. Stretch your children's imaginations into the past, and far across the globe, with treasures from other cultures and times. Incorporate into their room treasures from your adventures overseas, beautiful objects from cultures other than your own, perhaps a family heirloom or antique.

The best thing is, there's no need to go out and buy any of this stuff — you might already have items that fit into these four categories lying around the house. Why not go on an in-house wonder treasure hunt and see what you could find to incorporate into their décor today?

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