Meaning is personal. Its definition is different for every person. To find out your unique description, take out a pen and a piece of paper. Draw a huge circle. In the center write “My Meaningful Life.” Then fill the entire page with words and phrases that signify a meaningful life to you.
After you’re done, write a list of goals that will help you move closer to the words and phrases inside your circle. Write them in the format of “I want to …”
Create Your ABCs
A stands for actions. B stands for beliefs, and C stands for choices. Beliefs and choices “create an environment where action is inevitable.” All three “turn your ideas into life-size dreams with legs, wheels and wings.”
Create your own ABCs. For example: "I want to apply for this new job. I would need to believe that I would be seen as a good fit. I choose to believe that I am right for this job and to go for it!”
Then create your own ABCs using the same format: “I want to ___________. In order to complete this, I would need to believe ___________. I choose to _____________.”
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